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A Wangdat 3400DX is an internal DDS2 DAT drive with a 4/8Gb capacity. It is 3.5" sized as standard, a 5.25" fixing kit and bezel is available as an option.  The Wangdat 3400SE (the external version) is also available.


The following tables and notes give a quick guide in setting up the Wangdat 3400 4/8Gb.
The notes explain the setting of dip switch block SW3 and jumper block CN3.
Note: On some versions of the Wangdat 3400 the rear view (above diagram) is different.   The jumper block CN3 is positioned above the power connector, and the SCSI interface is positioned to the left of the power connector.

Wangdat 3400 4/8Gb - SW3 Switch Settings
SW3 - Dip Switches On Value Off Value Default Settings
1 Reserved Reserved


2 Enables Parity Disables Parity




4 Enables Cartridge Eject Disables Cartridge Eject


5-8 Reserved Reserved


Wangdat 3400 4/8Gb -CN3 Jumper Block: SCSI ID Selection
CN3 Jumper Block On Value Off Value Default Settings
Pin Pair 1 & 2 SCSI ID 1 SCSI ID 0


Pin Pair 3 & 4 SCSI ID 2 SCSI ID 0


Pin pair 5 & 6 SCSI ID 4 SCSI ID 0


Pin Pair 7 & 8 8Gb 4Gb


Pin Pair 9 &10* Terminates the drive No.termination


Pin Pair 11&12** SCSI bus Termination Power No termination power


NB.You can choose any SCSI ID value from 0 to 7.  See table below.
To do this the pin pairs 1&2, 3&4 and 5&6  from CN3 are arranged in various ON OFF combinations.
So for example  SCSI ID 5 would be ON OFF ON (1 + 0 + 4 = 5).

Wangdat 3400 4/8Gb - SCSI ID Further Explanation
CN3 - Jumper Block Pin Pair 1 & 2 (Value = 1) Pin Pair 3 & 4 (Value = 2) Pin Pair 5 & 6 (Value = 4)
SCSI ID VALUE 0 OFF (No Jumper) OFF (No Jumper) OFF (No Jumper)
SCSI ID VALUE 1 ON (Jumpered) OFF (No Jumper) OFF (No Jumper)
SCSI ID VALUE 2 OFF (No Jumper) ON (Jumpered) OFF (No Jumper)
SCSI ID VALUE 3 ON (Jumpered) ON (Jumpered) OFF (No Jumper)
SCSI ID VALUE 4 OFF (No Jumper) OFF (No Jumper) ON (Jumpered)
SCSI ID VALUE 5 ON (Jumpered) OFF (No Jumper) ON (Jumpered)
SCSI ID VALUE 6 OFF (No Jumper) ON (Jumpered) ON (Jumpered)
SCSI ID VALUE 7 ON (Jumpered) ON (Jumpered) ON (Jumpered)

*Terminating Resistors - Unlike the Wangdat 3100 and Wangdat 3200, the Wangdat 3400 doesn't have a seperate bank of three terminating resistors.  However there is a jumper on jumper block CN3 that controls termination. So the drive must be terminated using the jumper on pin pair 9&10 if it is either a stand alone unit, or last in a chain of devices.

**Pin Pair 11 & 12 - The jumper on this pin pair connects termination power to the SCSI bus. When jumpered termination power is supplied by the drive, without a jumper the power is supplied by the host. (The default setting is for the pins to be jumpered).
Please note that on some versions of Wangdat 3400 4/8Gb drives there is no pin pair 11 & 12.

The Wangdat 3400 4/8Gb needs to be connected to a SCSI controller card. A low cost card, such as an
Adaptec 1505, is suitable for this task.  However the Adaptec 1505 will only control the one SCSI device.

Wangdat 3400DX 4/8Gb - Table of LED indicators.
LED/Colour State Indication
Green (left LED) On Drive activity on SCSI bus
Amber (left LED) Pulsing (once every 5 secs) Command in process, disconnected from the SCSI bus.
Red (left LED ) Flashing Drive fault condition exists
Amber (left LED)
Amber (right LED)
Flashing in Unison

CAUTION: 24 or more hours of head tape motion have elapsed
since the last cleaning. (Recommended interval is 8-10 hours).
Insert cleaning cartridge immediately.
Amber (right LED) Flashing Loading or unloading cartridge
Green (right LED) On Cartridge in place, compression enabled.

Wangdat 3400 4/8Gb - Media Information

60 Metre

90 Metre

120 Metre To back up 8Gb (compression ON) on a Wangdat 3400 a 120 metre cartridge is used, if compression was OFF a 4Gb
capacity would be acheived.  Inserting a 90 metre cartridge
gives a 4Gb compressed and 2Gb native capacity.  Inserting a 60 metre cartridge gives a 2.6Gb compressed and 1.3Gb native capacity.







For further technical advice, click on the Tecmar (formerly Wangdat) link

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